In this tightened Lending environment, you are probably facing great challenges putting together the Financing you need to get your Escrows closed. We can help. By partnering with us, either as a Wholesale Partner or as a Referring Partner you will immediately have access to our No Documentation, Equity Based Programs that will provide you the pathway to getting your transactions closed.
Programs Highlights
- Stated Income on Investment and Vacation Homes
- Interest Only Loan Programs
- Funding on Driveby Site Inspections allowing for Quicker Closings
- Loans for 350 FICO Score Borrowers; Foreclosure, Bankruptcy or Short Sale OK.
- In House Underwriting and Processing for Quick Turnarounds.
- Get your Commission Checks paid from Escrow right at Closing.
- Loan to Values Ratios up to 75% Max
Forms Download Center
- Submission Form
- Loan Application Form
- Credit Authorization Form
- Broker Agreement
- W9 Form
- Online 1003 FNMA Form
Need A Quick Answer To Your Questions?
Contact us by phone or e-mail. We’re happy to help.